Saturday, May 26, 2012

This is what I came home to one day in June of 2011.  The umbrella caused this!!  UGH!  I have had this 10 piece patio set since we moved into this house.  My husband wanted to purchase a new table but I didn't want to spend over $100 for a new one when I thought I could do something to this and still keep the set.

5 - 21-12 I bought a thin piece of board and cut it to fit into the table but once I put the tiles on it the table sagged.  I then realized I needed some support.  My husband built this center support for me.  Now I know I am not a carpenter but my husband is even LESS of one so I am very happy that he helped me out and did this.  I am sure there are other things we could have done to make it better but we did this pretty quickly since my husband just wanted a table back.
I bought two pieces of backerboard and we cut it to size.  As you can see in the center our support was just a smiggin too high and it caused the center to stick up a bit.  
So my husband got to sanding....he did this for awhile and we kept placing the board back on and checking.  I then determined that it might stick up a little and who's an outdoor table!

I started tiling....I had bought my tiles at Mardens last year when I had this idea.  I  got two boxes of these small tiles (they were connected by a mesh backing) for $22 and a bag of grout for $2.  In this picture I was attempting to hold the center piece down hoping it would dry flat

Finished table grouted - waiting to dry - hole for umbrella - I then sealed the grout a couple of times.

Finished table - the center does come up a little but again they way I look at it is......"I saved money by making my own replacement top, it may not last forever but nothing does"

Now I am wondering if I should do the same on the little table!