Friday, October 19, 2012

June 2012 178 lbs
Sept 2012  158lbs (don't have a current one at this time)

Update:  So I have made quite a few changes; quit smoking, started visalus, started working out, and my favorite: joined a roller derby team!  I have to admit though that I do smoke when I am out and drinking with friends.  I have lost 22 lbs so far and am very happy with the direction my life has taken.  I have been logging my food intake on my fitness pal and that helps tremendously!  It really gives me an idea where I am on calorie intake and how I should be making changes.

I am so excited about roller derby and can't wait to start bouting!!  Bangor Roller Derby rocks!!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Me on the left with my friend JJ on the right!

So this may or may not be the place but I have decided that I need to make a change!  I will be 40 soon and I am not living the most healthiest of lifestyles.  I am pretty sure it is time for a big difference in my life.  You see, I have been an on and off smoker for many years.  I quit for 4 years, the longest of my time.  Since then ( about 12 years ago) I have been quitting for months at a time and then starting again.  Well, I am sure all previous and current smokers can tell you why.  It totally consumes you.  Your life really depends on it and all you can think about is when you can get your next cigarette.  I have to remind myself that I am NOT the freak that people think I am because if I was....then nobody else would be in the same situation as I am.  Wanting to quit, knowing I should quit, and realizing when I don't smoke, I am the happiest?  So why is it that I feel the urges to start smoking?  I know that I feel good about myself when I don't....I know I smell better to my husband when I don't....I know I can(aaahh hhumm) last longer when I don't and so on and so on...I really don't know why I am saying all of this but maybe, just maybe I am going to use this as my excuse to do something about the changes I want to make as I turn 40.  If I just think them and do nothing, then guess what....NOTHING CHANGES.  But maybe, if I write it out I will get the courage to DO SOMETHING!  At this time, I have NOBODY watching my blog and I really shouldn't care if anyone does.  My main concern should be me and changing what I want.  So, with that being said.....this is my affirmation that I will NOT BE THIS UNHEALTHY at AGE 40!  Watch for the changes.....God, be with me!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Backyard Makeover - sides of pool

2012- What it looks like today on 5-28-12.  I bought four more hanging baskets and put one on every other fence post, so now I have 8 hanging baskets along the fence. (though you only see four in this)

2012- Rocks today - see what I least we paid to have the neighbors pine trees trimmed that are over our property.  That should cut down the amount of pine needles.  Also when our fence was partially redone the guys messed up my rocks when doing the posts so it just looks messy compared to 2011.

2011-Again, rocks looking their best!
2011-We added a couple different hostas along this side and in between there are three astilbes.  At the far end of this you see my lilac bush that was here when I moved in.

2011-The Crushed rock ONLY looked that good on the first day or two.....then the darn pine needles messed it all up.  I love the look of the azaleas (at least I think that is what they are) along with the hanging plants.  

2011-It was suggested to NOT bring the mulch around this area where the kids will be walking to get to slide.  The will get mulch all over feet and then into pool so we got some stepping stones and then placed rock.

2011- Other side of pool - partial grass - lots of pine needles from neighbors tree goes in this area over the year.  UGH!

2012- Wow, look how much the daises grew in one year. The ones that get more sun (the right side of photo) are a lot bigger than on the left.  I also moved a clematis vine from another part of the yard to this side.  It is doing well!  I took out the bucket since all it does is encourage the growth of mosquitoes in the standing water.  I looked over the internet and found an easy way to make my own rain barrel.  Voila!  I also temporarily moved my Herb garden of Cilantro into this area because it sees less action than where I had it.  I am not sure of the "perfect" place for it yet.  I have  4 of those containers and in two others I am growing different types of lettuce.
2011-I took out the drain pipe and added a big black bucket thinking it would collect the rain water and then I can use it to water the plants. (dumb idea, will explain later)  I have a hosta, shasta daises in the back and tall phlox in the front.

2011 - getting ready and tearing out all the flowers - very wet May!

2011- beside pool - there was daffodils, tulips, and some other things that I have not clue about here.  You  can also see a drain pipe that comes off the gutters of the house on the right side of the picture.

Backyard Makeover - backyard

2011 - been here two years and sick of looking at this dead area that we didn't know what to do with.  I didn't have much grass and I really thought I was an eye sore. My wheelbarrow is full of dead grasses, leaves, and things I have picked up over the years. The unfortunate thing about living in a neighborhood is there is NO PLACE to throw your weeds and such, so I kept collecting them in this, and this is where it stayed for two years.  I did find a perennial in there though and I replanted it!
2011 - after I cut down the tree in the corner and cleaned the area out  - knowing my friend was coming over to help with my "kickass backyard pool makeover" as she called it!
2011 - a little bit of a drainage problem.......May was a little wet!

My friend Kim borrowed her dads small rototiller (boy was that fun) and she brought over some edging and flowers for me to plant.  We worked really hard one weekend and got really dirty!

doesn't she look enthused!
A lot of these flowers Kim bought me herself and also transplanted some from her house.  I can't wait till mine get big enough to share with others.  She was very generous!!

Here it is all planted -2011 (the pink rhododendron was transplanted from another area of the backyard)  

I noticed in 2012 that I lost all three plants closest to the edging.  I really think it was a dog issue because I noticed at one point they had dug in the garden to bury a bone.  Damn dogs!  I really liked the plant on the lower left corner, it had pink flowers and a light green leaf.  I am not sure of the name.  I will try to plant some of that again next year.

2012 - flowers are coming back and looking good....lost a few and added a few annuals.

added a basket of annuals on the hook and new solar lighting

5-28-12 you can see the flowers getting bigger compared to above this gardening thing!

Backyard makeover - Side of Garage

My outdoor projects: side of garage

Side of garage 2009 -when we moved in
As you can see above there was nothing in this space but from what I can tell a place that old owners may have placed "stuff"

I took two hostas from my last house since I found I couldn't really kill those.  I never ever thought of doing any type of gardening until I saw hostas coming up every year at my old house and thought "I haven't killed those, maybe I can plant other things!"

My first attempt at gardening 2010

Don't ask why I made the garden that shape....that's just how it came out.

2011 - added rock walkway and decided I liked the black mulch better.

2012 added larger rocks,a new fence courtesy of a hurricane, and a couple of little lattice things (rocks were in backyard last year)

2012 side view 

Saturday, May 26, 2012

This is what I came home to one day in June of 2011.  The umbrella caused this!!  UGH!  I have had this 10 piece patio set since we moved into this house.  My husband wanted to purchase a new table but I didn't want to spend over $100 for a new one when I thought I could do something to this and still keep the set.

5 - 21-12 I bought a thin piece of board and cut it to fit into the table but once I put the tiles on it the table sagged.  I then realized I needed some support.  My husband built this center support for me.  Now I know I am not a carpenter but my husband is even LESS of one so I am very happy that he helped me out and did this.  I am sure there are other things we could have done to make it better but we did this pretty quickly since my husband just wanted a table back.
I bought two pieces of backerboard and we cut it to size.  As you can see in the center our support was just a smiggin too high and it caused the center to stick up a bit.  
So my husband got to sanding....he did this for awhile and we kept placing the board back on and checking.  I then determined that it might stick up a little and who's an outdoor table!

I started tiling....I had bought my tiles at Mardens last year when I had this idea.  I  got two boxes of these small tiles (they were connected by a mesh backing) for $22 and a bag of grout for $2.  In this picture I was attempting to hold the center piece down hoping it would dry flat

Finished table grouted - waiting to dry - hole for umbrella - I then sealed the grout a couple of times.

Finished table - the center does come up a little but again they way I look at it is......"I saved money by making my own replacement top, it may not last forever but nothing does"

Now I am wondering if I should do the same on the little table!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Living Room redo

Living Room:

view toward the front and side of the house

View towards side and back of the house

view to the backyard
After - we have a new chair where the rocker is now.
I painted the room a taupe color.

I got the print above the couch for $70 at Mardens.

As you can see I painted the fireplace surround with High Heat spray paint (and the fireplace tools). I also spray painted the light fixtures.  I have plans to tile around the fireplace so I wasn't too careful about getting the spray paint on the bricks.  Of course it is 3 years later and I still haven't done it.  I do have the tiles though....step one!  If anyone has suggestions for the tile project I would love the hear them!

Kitchen Before and After

Before removing wallpaper
Kitchen photos when we moved in: 2009

My youngest daughter cleaning the cupboards

corner with light and half bath

Slider to pool area

Did a faux finish on the walls.  Found this light at Home Depot on clearance for $14.99!  I found the bistro set at Mardens for $49.99

We lived like this for awhile until I found the counter-top transformation kit.  (see blog for details)

Then we made more changes this is 9-2010

My daughter today with new floor 1-2012